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Get Clear and Simple Advice on How to Take the Next Steps in Your Life


Join over 100 women who have become a better version of themselves,  reached a career goal, navigated a divorce or break up, or found the perfect place for parents that neglected end-of-life planning, with the supportive life coaching and mediation services from


My Next Steps

Coaching & Mediation

Schedule a 20 minute no-pressure diagnostic call now to see if you are a good fit for My Next Steps Coaching & Mediation

My Next Steps Coaching & Mediation Can Help You...
Clarify your Goals

You’ll get clarity on exactly what you want to accomplish and understand how to know when you’ve achieved it.

Get the Supportive Accountability Partner you’ve been Missing

Work with someone who “gets” you, wants you to succeed, and will supportively hold you accountable to take the Next Steps to reach your goals.

Experience Coaching or Mediation that Works

Our certified coaches and mediators will show you exactly what to do, explain how to do it, give you an opportunity to practice it, and provide feedback on how you’re doing.

How it works...
Conduct a free diagnostic call

We’ll clarify your goal, determine the help you need, and jointly determine if our life coaching or mediation is right for you.

Create a coaching or mediation plan and accountability agreement

Together, we’ll create the coaching or mediation plan that will make your goals a reality, and sign an accountability agreement on how we will work together.

Meet regularly until your goal is reached

Every session will provide concrete action steps and a review of what’s been accomplished so far. You’ll leave hopeful, refreshed and energized.

What's My Investment?
What is it costing you to live life not being the best version of you?
What is the value of that promotion at work?
What’s the worth of starting your own business?
How much would you pay to restore that special relationship?
What is your parents' failure to do end-of-life planning costing you?
Invest in yourself and invest in your dream.

Coaching is $75 per session

Most women reach their goals in fewer than 10 sessions


Mediation is $350 per half-day




A very limited number of scholarships are available based on financial need

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own."

- Benjamin Disraeli

“I was kidding myself that I could save the relationship with my mother without help. Nothing can ever replace the wisdom and support the coach from My Next Steps gave me during our coaching sessions.”

— Betty M. (Bartlett)

Our Mission

Our Mission is to equip women with the necessary skills - through coaching or mediation -  to achieve their goals as part of living a well-balanced life. We give them clear and easy-to-follow advice that removes the fear of taking the most important "next step" in their lives.


Next Steps Coaching & Mediation provides help that is accountable yet nurturing, supportive and motivating.

Subscribe & Download our FREE Resource
3 Simple Steps to Accountability

You’ll need this to understand how the magic of accountability will help you reach your goal faster than you thought possible.

Need more info? Contact


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